In the Media

The Ghosts Of What We Knew [2024]

Editor's Choice
GHOSTS OF WHAT WE KNEW - Rock Radio UK Editor's Choice
Rock Radio UK

Ever Metal
"This is magnificent. ..."

"Aeons are a gift waiting to be unwrapped for the rest of the world. "

Powerplay Magazine
"It could be considered a landmark in progressive metal, such is its unerring brilliance on all fronts..."

"There is something so magisterial about The Ghosts Of What We Knew that is more than the sum of its parts."

Rock Radio UK
"Sliptrick records have pulled a master stroke when they signed these guys..."

"Get your local promoters to book this band. Get them onto the Bloodstock stage. I don't think anyone will be dissapointed. Go buy the album!"

Mostly Metal
"Music-wise, AEONS just throw in what feels right for them to tell the respective story...and I absolutely love it"

"I can only close this review with my unbroken enthusiasm for this band, and the high recommendation to check them out."

Prog et Plus (FR)
"The musicians are phenomenal in their mastery of their respective instruments and are perfectly served by a production that leaves room for everyone to express themselves."

"The musicians offer us with The Ghost of What We Knew a record packed to the brim with excellent music that manages the feat of standing out from its competitors by impressive qualities of composition as well as by a flawless interpretation. "

Metal Temple
"This album is thoughtful and put together very well...What results is a versatile sound that covers about all of the ground that you would want to hear as a listener."

"The Ghosts of What We Knew is laden with commercial possibilities, its weighty riffs and adventurous rhythms entwined in glistening melodies and studded with gleaming hooks"

Consequences [2021]

Worship Metal
Hon'rable Mention
CONSEQUENCES - SBR Top7 Prog Metal of 2021
Scream Blast Repeat : Honourable Mention in the same tier as Born of Osiris and Dvne

Worship Metal
"It’s a glorious album and it gets better with every damn listen..."

"However, without a fuckin’ doubt, the highlight of the album is Consequences 11+ minute closing salvo, “Evelyn”. This is the shit right here. A prog marathon of epic greatness that showcases every extraordinary facet of this diverse band."

Slow Dragon
"Aeons really should be on everybody’s radar!"

"They have finesse, imagination, high technical ability, diversity, and the sound production to carry it all. For a band to so professionally capture truly catchy, melodic rock, and extreme metal from one breathe to the next, keeping it proggy all the way, is rare."

Metal Noise
"A Magnum opus in every sense..."

"overflowing with the kind of ideas that should not only make this band a regular at Tech-Fest but also see them supporting bands like Periphery or TesseracT and still comfortably hold their own"

Metal Temple
"This album is just so solid!"

"...well-composed, almost to a fault. If fault could be found with something sounding “too good”, I suppose it could apply to this album.."

Scream Blast Repeat
"Prog metal is at its most enduring ..."

"It’s a testament to the quality of this record that your main complaint will be a regret – a regret that it’s not a double album..."

Rock Out Stand Out
"The more you get into the tracks, the more you can hear the band’s unmistakable creative genius..."

"Not only is the song writing solid, but the production is spectacular and is ultimately what brings this album to life."

Ave Noctum
"I dare you not to be nodding your head by songs end...."

"Aeons have resisted the temptation to go with the flow and follow the genre guidebook to the letter and consequently have created an album of real depth, beauty, and heart.."

"A massive, demanding and complex sound....."

"[Consequences is] a great, varied, creative album by a talented band with enormous potential, which still has a lot to be expected for the future.."

A Tragic End [2019]

Top 10
Top Ten Greatest Progressive Metal Albums of 2019
Worship Metal
Breakthrough UK Metal Band
Global Metal Apocalypse Awards 2019

Worship Metal
"Vividly expressed and flawlessly played..."

"Aeons are a band that ably amalgamate the acoustic with the electric, clean tones with discordance and raging blastbeats with jazzy flourishes into imaginative, varied and lengthy musical suites which seamlessly interlock without once becoming repetitive."

Encyclopedia Metallum
"Soundtrack to a dystopian world"

"The desperate, disharmonious and drowning closer ''Vengenace'' is another highlight ... and opens your mind while punching your guts in regular intervals.
Aeons has the potential to become one of the most ambitious progressive melodic death metal bands."

The Progressive Subway
"Now this was a surprise..."

"Aeons is a progressive metalcore band, who decided to take on a more mature approach to the genre, and pulled it off superbly.
every ... performance and mixing related aspect of this album I thoroughly enjoyed and would recommend to check out."

Press Pack [Download]









Guitar | Vocals


Guitar | Vocals